Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Kids Aren't Alright.

I have become more and more weary of British children. Most notably my next door neighbors small child who likes to spend its days screaming and pounding on our adjoining walls. Precious, I know! Not being a parent myself, I can't say much on what is "normal" or "right" child rearing, however, there are a few startling (for me anyways) patterns I have noticed here.

1. 6 year olds riding in the pram/push chair/ stroller/whatever you feel like calling it!
Seriously. Shouldn't these kids be learning how to, uh, y'know, walk? I understand that London is a huge city and the possibility of kidnapping is pretty high, but they did invent things like: hand holding, child leashes, teaching your child not to wander off. Call me a free thinker, but when my child is old enough to walk for more than 5 feet I'm not going to pander laziness. Not to mention that I feel slightly embarrassed for those poor kids all strapped in like mama's little boy...awkward.

2. Extreme rudeness. Okay, okay! That's universal. But, I'm talking about private school attending, posh, rich kids who think that just because they're ugly, furry boots are designer they own the ground everyone is fortunate enough to walk on. They're constantly on their mobile, whiney as can be, sidewalk hoggers, and they're usually in droves. They're a frightening bunch when you're face to face with 5+ snobby nosed, whine-bags in Dior.

3. They do more adult activities than me. No I'm not jealous. It's just bizarre to see 18 year olds in the pub, 16 year olds smoking, and under 16 year olds getting condoms. Now you'll call me old fashioned. And that is a-okay with me because: the adult drinkers are far less annoying than the young kids at the bar just oh-so-giddy because they can actually be there, there already are copious amounts of smokers here and that is gross enough, but these poor kids can now start there road to lung cancer before they get to uni! And I don't think I need to explain why the third thing is upsetting. But, then again, I guess we should be glad they're being safe? Definitely NOT condoning that behavior at all.

I could go on, but it's all pretty generalized. I'm just having a bad week with the youth of this nation.

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