Saturday, September 5, 2009


To say today was a "bad day" would only add insult to injury.

Today is the England vs. Slovenia football match. I bought my ticket for this event at the end of July. I had been waiting to get an e-mail from the activities director in order to find out how to pick up my ticket for the game today.
I was in full panic-mode yesterday as I still had not heard anything from the director. So I sent him an e-mail and got an immediate response of:
"I am currently away from the office on annual leave. I return to my desk on Monday September 14th 2009 when I look forward to being able to answer your enquiry." (gee thanks!)

I ask some of my friends if they had tickets and I got the response:
"Oh yeah! We got e-mails ages ago, you just have to pick them up at school. Call them tomorrow and then stop by, I'm sure someone will be there to help you."

I woke up early this morning and I called the school. No answer. I call again. Still no answer. I call a third time. No answer.
It's nearly 10 at this point and I'm getting really nervous. I decide to go to school and hope someone is there. By 10:30 I am standing in the foyer of the school's main building and there are indeed people there. I am directed from front desk to admissions, from one admissions person to another. After trying for half an hour to get a hold of the director the admissions adviser puts me on the phone with Wembley Stadium where I am put on hold for 45 minutes. Figuring that this phone call is futile, everyone at the admissions office tells me to go to Wembley Stadium and ask if they have my ticket.

At noon I am walking to Baker Street Station to ride the underground 10 miles north of Central London. I make it and as soon as I walk out of the station I see the great stadium. I walk there, follow confusing signs for 20 minutes before finally finding the will call office. There I am told they can do nothing for me as I have no proof that I bought a ticket. However, I am "welcome to buy another ticket to see the game!" Hmm, let's see, £30 ticket...groceries...hard choice.

I walk back to the Tube station, choking back tears, and make my way back to Baker Street Station. Somehow I ended up on the wrong train and ended up riding the tube for an hour trying to get back to Marylebone so I can take a bus home.

I arrive back home around 2:30 p.m. to find one of my roommates and her friend getting ready to go to the game. Just what I wanted to see...

Even sadder still, if the director isn't back until the 14th, I will most likely miss the rugby game (Sept. 12th) I purchased a ticket for since I don't have a ticket for that either.

But hey! I can get my homework finished tonight! ...oh joy...

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