Friday, August 28, 2009

They Looked Like Strong Hands

So, I was a bum today, skipped class and everything. I'm such a rebel. Or maybe I just had a touch of stomach flu...I prefer to say rebel.

My big accomplishment of the day: I, Bethany, learned the guitar solo from Bayside's "They Looked Like Strong Hands" on my violin. I totally wish I could jam out with Jack now. I think he'd actually be impressed.

School term is half over, I can not believe it! I have a math class next term. Joy. Maybe I can once and for all be done with math!! That would make my world so bright and sunny, even in foggy London.

Feeling optimistic, proud, and all giggly on the inside. No school till Tuesday!! I am one happy girl...even if I do feel like crap.

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