Monday, August 31, 2009

Vacuum Cleaners Wanted

It's about all I can do to not completely ignore my homework. Here is what I've worked out to get anything done:

Step 1: Lock the door. No one in and certainly no one out.

Step 2: A good movie. Gives you a reason to stay in this locked room. Now this can be tricky as you might be tempted to watch the movie instead of doing homework. It is best if you pick a movie you love and know and don't need to constantly look at the screen to know what is going on.

Step 3: Full stomach. No snacking during homework. This is an obvious excuse to take several small breaks. Eat well before you do homework and all you will need is water.

Step 4: (This may only work for art students) Imagine you're a wicked cool designer for some awesome company. Yes it's dorky and childish, but if it works, why knock it??

Step 5: Imagine the look on your cocky teacher's face when you've done a freaking sweet job. They don't need to know all the tweaks during the hours and hours of prep work. For all they know you whipped this out in 2 hours with not a single drop of sweat.

So, in conclusion, a healthy imagination goes further than you might think in art homework.
Now, who is going to clean the mess of paper off my floor??

Friday, August 28, 2009

They Looked Like Strong Hands

So, I was a bum today, skipped class and everything. I'm such a rebel. Or maybe I just had a touch of stomach flu...I prefer to say rebel.

My big accomplishment of the day: I, Bethany, learned the guitar solo from Bayside's "They Looked Like Strong Hands" on my violin. I totally wish I could jam out with Jack now. I think he'd actually be impressed.

School term is half over, I can not believe it! I have a math class next term. Joy. Maybe I can once and for all be done with math!! That would make my world so bright and sunny, even in foggy London.

Feeling optimistic, proud, and all giggly on the inside. No school till Tuesday!! I am one happy girl...even if I do feel like crap.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baked Beans On Toast

There is a fine line between American pride and American snobbery. So, to prove I am not above the average Briton, I ate baked beans on toast. It was delicious. Certainly not the most aesthetically pleasing food, but then I've eaten fried chicken. Culture lines are blurring and in all honesty I sometimes forget I'm in the UK. The only thing absent are the familiar people I love so dearly. Vacation anyone?? Please? haha...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm still trying to remember time zones and fully realize how far away I am. This morning I thought it would be fun for me and my friends to go to The Royal Gorge. Than I realized how impossible that is. Exactly how far from home am I? 4807.813 miles, bit more than a hop, skip and a jump.

Okay, sadness aside! I think I am going to venture to Camden market by myself today. It is easier to shop (at least for me) by myself. Plus I'm feeling selfish today, haha. What adventures will I have today?