Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Okay...sorry. It's been a while.

I am in London. Life has been...crazy...that's being nice. Still awaiting the release of my beautiful computer.

I can not begin to tell you all the things I have seen so far. The basic, obligatory things are: Parliament, The Eye, Thames, Tower Bridge, London Bridge, St. Paul's, blah...blah...blah.
The things I have seen that are freaking awesome are: Camden Market, Fleet Street, Wimpole Street, the building they used for Gringotts, a Bentley showroom, and many many other things that could never be described that must be experienced.

I have discovered that British punks are ever so polite and apparently I'm a pretty scary, mean punk. Who'da thunk? Yes, I've moshed, crowd surfed, thrown elbos to get to where I want, but it's not like I'd punch someone for saying The Boucing Souls suck. True scenario time: a man with bleached hair with various other colors dyed into his hair, a face that reminds me of Fat Mike, denim jeans and a cut off denim jacket covered in studs and various other metals, wrist bands, combat boots, the whole lot. Such a gentleman, going around hugging his friends and politely bobbing his head up and down while remaining in his personal bubble in front of the stage. Anyone else find this strange??

Classes started on the 20th and I'd say that I'm quite the star in all of them. But that's to be expected, right? So no fears yet for bad grades. Oh! Grades!! 70% here is an A...I know, it's aweseom! I'll be at A+++ in no time. Woohoo!!

More to follow, not sure when. Hopefully my computer will be here soon and all will be well again.


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